NSW White Card (CPCCOHS1001a - Work Safely in the Construction Industry)
This nationally recognised course is compulsory for all workers carrying out construction work in NSW. Upon successfully completion of the course you will receive a Western Australia White Card and a certificate of attainment. The card you receive is valid across Australia.
Victoria White Card (CPCCOHS1001a - Work Safely in the Construction Industry)
This nationally recognised course is compulsory for all workers carrying out construction work in Victoria. Upon successfully completion of the course you will receive a Western Australia White Card and a certificate of attainment. The card you receive is valid across Australia.
Western Australia White Card (CPCCOHS1001a - Work Safely in the Construction Industry)
This nationally recognised course is compulsory for all workers carrying out construction work in WA. Upon successfully completion of the course you will receive a Western Australia White Card and a certificate of attainment. The card you receive is valid across Australia.